Your Feedback

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your responses are completely confidential. However, if you would like us to contact you to discuss any of the issues raised, please complete your name and address at the end of this form.

    Who did you primarily deal with at Ingram Winter Green?

    How satisfied were you with our overall level of service?
    (where 1 is "Very dissatisfied" and 5 is "Very satisfied")

    If dissatisfied, can you please tell us briefly why this is?

    How easy to understand was the information/advice that we gave you?
    (where 1 is "Very hard" and 5 is "Very easy")

    How might we improve?

    How informative did you find our staff? (please select one)

    How well did we keep you up to date with progress? (please select one)

    How well did we keep you advised of our fees? (please select one)

    How well did we listen to what you had to say? (please select one)

    Did we treat you fairly at all times?

    If you believe you were treated unfairly due to e.g. your ethnic background, sex, religion, or any other reason please tell us briefly what happened?

    How likely would you be to recommend us to someone else if they needed legal help or advice? (where 1 is "Absolutely not" and 5 is "Certainly")

    Please give reasons for your answer above?

    Was the outcome of your case/instructions? (please select one)

    Do you have any further comments or suggestions that may help us to improve our level of service?

    Would you like us to contact you to discuss your responses?

    Could you please enter your contact details?
    [text client-name watermark "Enter your name" akismet:author_email]

    Thank you, a member of the IWG team will be in touch shortly.